Setting up your own indoor or outdoor local cinema is incredibly simple and low-cost, making it an enjoyable and valuable addition to any event.

Whether you’re planning a cosy indoor movie night or an outdoor gathering under the stars, inflatable screens are a game-changer for DIY cinema, offering ease of setup and portability. Outdoor cinemas are rapidly becoming one of the most fun and fastest-growing ways for local communities to come together. Imagine the joy and connection fostered as friends, families, and neighbours gather for a shared movie experience!

We are here to help you every step of the way with detailed information and links to get your DIY local cinema package started.

Not only do we provide guidance on equipment and setup, but we also offer ongoing movie ideas and licensing options to ensure your community has a regular program packed with exciting choices.

From classic films to the latest releases, you’ll have access to a curated selection that keeps everyone entertained. Dive into the world of DIY cinema and transform your gatherings into unforgettable experiences!

Indoor/Outdoor Local Cinema packages:

Package 1

For up to 100 viewers.
Includes inflatable screen and blower, Video projector and speakers.

Coming soon

Package 2

For up to 200 viewers.
Includes inflatable screen and blower, Video projector and speakers.

Coming soon

Package 3

For up to 300 viewers.
Includes inflatable screen and blower, Video projector and speakers.

Coming soon

Indoor/Outdoor Local Cinema packages:

Package 1

For up to 100 viewers.
Includes inflatable screen and blower, Video projector and speakers.

Coming soon

Who Sould Attend

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Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

What To Expect

Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Vivamus turpis turpis, egestas in elit eu hendrerit molestie dui quisque.


Choose your film

Explore our catalogueto find the perfect film that will resonate with your community.


Create your movie event

Complete the registration form and pay the hosting fee to begin the process.


Sit back and relax

Once your event is registered, we get to work creating all your personalised marketing assets.


Spread the word

Within 2 business days, you’ll have everything you need to host a wonderful movie event.

Our Guarantee

We’re so confident that you’ll love the process and have a meaningful event that if you’re not satisfied in any way, we’ll refund your hosting fee.

Payment Methods

Get the perfect community event planned, set up and ready to market in just 2 days... Without lifting a finger.



Movie events and counting


Movies added monthly


With our Guarantee

Save Time & Money!

Vestibulum volutpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar nunc sapien ornare nisl.