Envoy: Shark Cull is a fascinating, deeply moving documentary which sheds light on the real story behind the coastal ‘shark safety’ programs in QLD and NSW. The current methods have not only been scientifically proven to be ineffective in protecting swimmers and surfers, leaving them at risk in the sea, but these outdated solutions continue to be allowed to negatively impact entire marine ecosystems—including the Great Barrier Reef. Thousands of whales, dolphins, turtles, and other marine life are just some of the casualties of these expensive, archaic methods every year, even though new and proven technology is easily accessible.
Eric Bana, Paul de Gelder, Layne Beachley
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Get everything you need to host this movie for $129, with three ticketing options available for attendees:
Charge event: Where your guests pay $5.50 per ticket, and you pay nothing per person. This is our most popular choice!
Free event: Where your guests pay nothing, and you pay $5.50 per ticket sold.
Fundraising event: Where you set a custom ticket price and keep all proceeds above $5.50 per ticket.
Find out about ticket pricing, fundraising and everything else you need to know to screen this movie here.
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Envoy: Shark Cull
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