Based on a true story, the film follows Sam Bloom, a mother of three whose world is turned upside down after a near-fatal accident leaves her paralyzed. The family’s encounter with an injured magpie they name Penguin becomes a source of inspiration and hope.
Naomi Watts, Andrew Lincoln, Jacki Weaver
This movie will be delivered to you as a DIGITAL FILE for your screening.
This movie will be delivered to you in the mail as a PHYSICAL DVD for your screening. Please allow up to two weeks for delivery when planning your event.
Get everything you need to host this movie for $129, with three ticketing options available for attendees:
Charge event: Where your guests pay $5.50 per ticket, and you pay nothing per person. This is our most popular choice!
Free event: Where your guests pay nothing, and you pay $5.50 per ticket sold.
Fundraising event: Where you set a custom ticket price and keep all proceeds above $5.50 per ticket.
Find out about ticket pricing, fundraising and everything else you need to know to screen this movie here.