The Castle (1997) is an iconic Australian comedy that tells the story of the Kerrigan family and their quirky, heartfelt battle to keep their beloved home. The Kerrigans live in a modest house near the Melbourne airport, a property they cherish despite its unremarkable appearance and unconventional location. When the government decides to forcibly acquire their land for airport expansion, family patriarch Darryl Kerrigan (played by Michael Caton) takes a stand, rallying his family and community in a humorous yet profound legal fight.
Michael Caton, Anne Tenney, Stephen Curry, Anthony Simcoe, Sophie Lee
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Charge event: Where your guests pay $5.50 per ticket, and you pay nothing per person. This is our most popular choice!
Free event: Where your guests pay nothing, and you pay $5.50 per ticket sold.
Fundraising event: Where you set a custom ticket price and keep all proceeds above $5.50 per ticket.
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